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Medical Pass

What is a medical pass? Also known as a FastPass this document allows you to bypass a majority of the border crossing lane in order to cross faster when the need arises.

Here at BajaDentistry we provide these passes to our patients so that they can make it home faster after any dental procedure. It is very important to remember that these must not be abused.

⚠️ They are for medical use only, you may not come into the clinic without an appointment and expect a pass be given to you. ⚠️

In order to acquire a medical pass you must ask our receptionist for a piece of paper that has the information we will need. That being:

  • Name of the driver.

  • Number of people in the car.

  • License plate number

  • Doctor who attended to you.

And that is all. As with all the things we do, we try to make it as easy as possible for our patients to acquire this pass and thus cross the boarder.

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